Frequently asked questions
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20 different types of amino acids are used by our body to make new proteins, such as muscle and bone, and other compounds such as enzymes and hormones.
Whey protein isolate is by far the best form of protein available and the reason behind it is that they generally lack the fats, carbs, lactose and cholesterol. Whey protein isolate optimises the process of muscle repair by speeding up the time it takes to regenerate muscle tissue. In addition glutathione production is increased and it supports with the efforts of building and repairing lean muscle tissue. The body cannot produce EAAs hence one must opt for a supplement that fulfils the requirement of these amino acids. Whey protein isolate can improve blood lipid profiles by reducing total cholesterol and triglyceride levels benefiting cardiovascular health.
Whey protein concentrate is a good quality protein of high biological value as it contains all nine essential amino acids ( EAAs ) including BCAAs. Whey protein concentrate helps lose and manage weight. The carbohydrate and fat content are not that high one can easily include whey concentrate in any weight loss diet. Whey protein concentrate is easy to digest as it is fast acting and quickly supplies amino acids to the body.
Whey protein hydrolysate is the ultra pure form of whey protein and is obtained through a process called “hydrolysis”. The digestion and absorption rate of hydrolysed whey protein is way faster when compared to any other forms of whey protein. It is often used to speed up the process of recovery and protein synthesis. Hydro whey protein is high in protein with negligible fat and carb content.
Protein requirement varies based on diet, physical activity level and health goals.
- Athletes & Body builders can choose whey protein concentrate for gaining for gaining muscle mass and adding volume & strength.
- Lactose intolerant or allergic people should prefer whey isolate or hydrolysate.
- Weight watchers, people on keto or low carb diets and body builders can take whey protein hydrolysate supplements to meet daily protein demands.
- Whey protein isolate is perfect for a fitness lover aiming to shed extra kilos.
Can be taken anytime of the day, preferably post workout will be the best time.
Vitamins & Minerals
Vitamins & Minerals are micronutrients required by the body to carry out a range of normal functions.
Vitamins & Minerals are micronutrients required by the body to carry out a range of normal functions. However, these micronutrients are not produced in our bodies and must be derived from the food we eat or from the supplements.
Vitamins are organic substances that are generally classified as either fat soluble or water soluble. Fat soluble vitamins ( Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K ) dissolve in fat and tend to accumulate in the body. Water Soluble Vitamins ( Vitamin C and the B complex vitamins, such as Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12 and folate ) must dissolve in water, before they can be absorbed by the body and therefore cannot be stored.
Minerals are inorganic elements present in soil and water, which are absorbed by plants or consumed by animals.
A diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, good protein and healthful fats should provide most of the nutrients needed for good health. But not everyone manages to eat a healthful diet.
MULTIVITAMINS can play an important role when nutritional requirements are not met through diet alone.
No. The energy that your body needs to think, work and play comes from calories. Vitamins and minerals in pill form do not provide calories. Calories come from the foods we eat.
Not necessarily. You and your family can get the nutrients you need by following the recommendations in your food guide. Vitamin and mineral supplements do not provide the benefits of food such as fibre, carbohydrate, fat, protein and calories. If you’re concerned about whether you or your children are getting enough nutrients, speak to your dietitian or health care provider.
Here are some situations that may require a supplement. Remember, if you are concerned about your nutrient intake or think you may need a supplement, speak to your dietitian or health care provider.
Women of childbearing age who are thinking of getting pregnant should take a supplement that contains at least 400 ug (0.4 mg) of folic acid. This is to prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida that can begin early in pregnancy even before many women realize they are pregnant.
Women who are pregnant need added folic acid and iron, which can be obtained from foods and with a multivitamin. Look for a prenatal vitamin that contains at least 400 ug (0.4 mg) of folic acid and 16 to 20 mg of iron.
People over the age of 50 should consider vitamin D and vitamin B12 supplements. Health Canada recommends a daily supplement of 400 IU of Vitamin D for both men and women over the age of 50. Also, adults over 50 may not be able to fully absorb vitamin B12 that occurs naturally in foods and should take a supplement.
People who don’t drink milk or fortified plant-based beverages daily may need a vitamin D and/or calcium supplement.
Vegetarians or Vegans. A well planned vegetarian or vegan diet will meet most nutrient needs. Vegans may need a source of vitamin B12 either from a supplement or foods fortified with vitamin B12. They may also benefit from a calcium and vitamin D supplement.
People with medical conditions. Some conditions such as anemia, inflammatory bowel disease or osteoporosis may need more of some nutrients. Or if you’ve had surgery or an infection you may require extra nutrients or a supplement until you regain your health. Your health care provider will advise you.
People with very restricted diets, such as those with poor appetite, very low calorie diet or food allergies may need a supplement.
People who smoke. Smoking increases the need for vitamin C. People who smoke should take a vitamin C supplement and eat vitamin C rich foods.
BCAAs supplements are commonly taken to boost muscle growth and enhance exercise performance.
Branched chain amino acids are a group of three essential amino acids:
- Leucine
- Isoleucine
- Valine
BCAAs supplements are commonly taken to boost muscle growth and enhance exercise performance. They may also help with weight loss and reducing fatigue after exercise.
BCAAs are considered essential because unlike non essential amino acid ,your body cannot make them. Therefore it is essential to get the from your diet. Out of the three leucine is thought to have the biggest impact on your body’s capacity to build muscle proteins. Meanwhile isoleucine and valine seem more effective at producing energy and regulating your blood sugar levels.
Improving performance during training is of utmost importance no matter what your goals. If you are an athlete, improved performance will help you in your sport of choice during an actual competition. Improved performance is just as important to bodybuilders since improved performance translates into more weight lifted for more reps, which eventually translates into more muscle growth.
BCAAs have been proven in many studies to be a potent performance enhancer, and as previously mentioned, BCAAs make a great energy source for working muscles because of their unique metabolism. This can have a positive impact on performance. Not only can BCAAs be used as energy themselves but they also enhance fat oxidation in glycogen-depleted subjects. This allows individuals to train harder for longer without fatigue due to the higher energy demands being met. This goes for both high-intensity training as well as endurance training.
Another way that BCAAs can enhance performance is through their ability to spare glycogen during training. Found as stored carbohydrates within muscle tissue and the liver, glycogen is the favored fuel source for working muscles engaged in high-intensity exercise. This makes glycogen availability and preservation vitally important if you wish to continue to train hard for longer periods of time. Studies have shown that by ingesting BCAAs before and during training glycogen levels can be spared by 25%. It is thought that the ingestion of BCAAs boosts blood alanine levels which get converted to glucose in the liver and then sent back to working muscle to be used as fuel. This glycogen sparing effect of BCAAs will not only allow for longer more intense training sessions but also allows for faster recovery leading to a better workout tomorrow.
Creatine helps your muscles produce energy during heavy lifting or high intensity exercise.
Creatine helps your muscles produce energy during heavy lifting or high intensity exercise.
Athletes and bodybuilders often take a creatine supplement to enhance strength and improve performance, while older adults and vegetarians might take it to support brain health and quality of life. Creatine is a naturally occurring substance that’s found in meat and fish, and also produced by the human body in the liver, kidneys and pancreas.
It is converted into Creatine phosphate or phosphocreatine and stored in the muscles, where it is used for energy.
At least 3 litres of water should be taken while you take Creatine.
Yes, Creatine is a natural amino acid present in the body of humans and animals. The human body has 100-115 grams of creatine in the form of creatine phosphate. No negative side effects have been noted in the research with the recommended levels of supplementation.
For best results, on training days, take creatine after your workout. It will not make you nauseous and is best taken at this time in order to replenish lost stores. If you wish to take more on a training day (i.e 10 g),then take half pre-workout and remaining half post-workout.
Intensity is necessary to achieve natural strength gains and muscle growth or increased athletic performance. Muscle growth takes place when the muscle has been overloaded. Without heavy sets, your muscle will remain small.
Creatine promotes intense lifting by recycling the necessary energy molecule ATP. Creatine also buffers the development of lactic acid allowing for a more enduring workout. As you know, lactic acid buildup is one of the main causes of exercise-related muscle fatigue.
Mass Gainers are a calorie dense supplement formulated for individuals who face difficulty gaining weight.
Consuming a calorie rich diet is of paramount importance if you want to gain weight. Mass Gainers are a calorie dense supplement formulated for individuals who face difficulty gaining weight. Your calories should come from a blend of carbs, protein and fats. Mass gainers offer you this blend to fuel mass and weight gain.
Mass gainers have plenty of health benefits. When combined with proper workouts, mass gainers can help build muscle faster and gain weight healthily.
- Calorie-dense
Bodybuilders or ectomorphs that desire to bulk up are required to consume calorie-dense diets. It might be challenging to eat large food portions to meet calorie goals. With mass gainers, one can be sure of taking around 1000 calories in a single-serve and that too from healthy sources. - Macronutrients rich
If you want a ‘clean bulk’, it is essential to take the correct nutrients. The diet must contain a balanced proportion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Mass gainers provide all the nutrients through healthy sources. In addition, the presence of dietary fibre supports toxin removal from the body and promotes better gut health for improved nutrient absorption. - Gain muscle size and strength
Mass gainer supplements provide protein from high-quality protein sources like whey and casein. They are perfect to deliver supreme quality nutrition, especially for post-workout muscle recovery. The amino acids add strength to muscles, nourish and encourage lean muscle growth. - Easy to use
Another most significant advantage of mass gainers is their ease of use. If consuming large meals and digesting them is a challenge for you, mass gainers are ideal. They can provide you with all the required nutrients without having too much.
Mass gainers are not meant for everyone. At times, fitness lovers get confused between mass gainers and protein supplements. Here is the list of people who can use mass gainers to achieve their fitness goals.
- Skinny people with fast metabolism
If a person has a high metabolic rate and tends to burn calories quicker, mass gainers could be a good choice. - Ectomorphs
Every individual has a specific body type. Ectomorphs or hard gainers with lean body types often struggle to gain muscle mass. If you are unable to build muscle despite intense workouts and diet, consider taking a mass gainer supplement. - Bodybuilders
Mass gainers provide ample support, especially during the bulking phase of bodybuilding when people require a healthy nutrition source high in calories, proteins, and carbs. - Athletes
In addition to strength athletes, mass gainers can also be used by endurance athletes like runners and cyclists. Endurance athletes require high carbs and proteins post their training or competition to recover their muscles and lost glycogen stores, making mass gainer a proper meal.
The best time to take a mass gainer is after a workout. This is because your body is in a state of heightened muscle protein synthesis (MPS) after exercising. MPS is the process by which the body repairs and rebuilds muscle tissue after a workout. Consuming a mass gainer after a workout can help to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to repair and rebuild muscle tissue.
In addition to taking a mass gainer after a workout, it’s important to take it at other times throughout the day to meet your calorie and macronutrient needs. For example, taking a mass gainer in the morning or between meals can help to provide your body with the necessary nutrients to support muscle growth and prevent muscle breakdown.